Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Yi-Haw! Or, the Stupid and the Beautiful

Some good and some bad this week for the tsaogrip. Failing to set his lineup costs him the win and makes him look like a cat-eating idiot, but 15th-round pick Yi "The Chinese Peja" Jianlian looks set to average a double-double soon, coming on the heels of a monstrous 24/10/4 performance -- with 5 threes! (after hitting a grand total of 6 in all of last season).


  1. Glad you're posting and lineup-setting...

    Yi was a beast last night, and NJN has little else going for them (even the Ba-Boone has struggled). Enjoy the ride!

  2. Where do you suppose Yi is in that photo? The future? If so, maybe we can ask him what sort of numbers he's posting.
