Monday, November 17, 2008


Hosen drop Spanish Chocolate, pick up Starbury

Very interesting; another quick turnaround; we've discussed Rodriguez here, and Marbury here. Certainly Sergio's in the same situation as last night. Marbury's situation is evolving. He's still under contract to, and not playing for, the Knicks, but has been discussing a buyout with them, which would leave him free to play elsewhere. The question is where...and when.

Judgment: We're not as high on Sergio as the Hosen, mostly because we don't see enough minutes in PDX for him to shine. On the other hand, unless we're not aware of some news (highly unlikely!) Marbury surely won't play at all this week, and probably not next week. How patient will the Hosens be? True, no one will snap up Sergio, but even a few weeks with a dead slot can be harmful. A few missed AST, STL, and 3s could turn a victory into loss. Still, a low-risk, high-reward move.

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