Thursday, November 27, 2008

Stuckey on Repeat?

Spoonful drop Warrick, pick up Stuckey

Just for variety, the Spoonful dropped Warrick rather than Landry this time, to pick up formerly dropped Rodney Stuckey. Though consumed with regret after dropping Warrick last time (for Nicolas Batum), Warrick has frankly done nothing to justify that regret, or his roster spot. He had one really good 21/10 game, but is averaging only 9 and 5 on the season. We're honestly not sure why, as rookie Darrell Arthur hasn't been 'all that' either. It seems with Gasol and (in one game) Darko up front to rebound, and prolific scorers in Mayo and Gay, Warrick (generally offensive minded) just isn't useful. He may turn it around, but we doubt there will be (consistent) cause for regret.

Stuckey, the dropping of whom was not regretted at all, has also been poor, but he has improved his play (if not his shooting), of late, recording a 13/5/11 double double on Wednesday, showing a bit of what 'they say' he can do. He may start on Friday (since AI decided to skip practice), so that will give him a chance to earn his keep. If he reverts to his 5/2 with 4 TO form, he'll be back in the FAP by next week. With no regrets!

Judgment: This looks to us like a move-for-move's sake, though it would be a shame to miss out on Stuckey. It looks to us as if the Spoonful missed out on Blatche and on re-claiming E-Gord, and needed to shake things up in the locker room. The Spoonful still need rebounds, but neither player is providing much there. It might be Melvin Ely time sooner than we think...

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