Sunday, November 30, 2008

Curse You, Amare!!!

Amare "Turdknocker" Stoudemire managed to collect two quick T's at the end of the Suns' loss to the New Suckworthy Nets, giving the Spoonful an edge in Techs and depriving me, Monsieur Digits, of a much-deserved upset win. I am now officially accepting trade offers.


  1. Josh, I am sorry. I will trade you Monseiur Le Manboubs for the Turdknocker. Speaking of Manboubs, are we on for the rookie challenge, or shall we set our lineups as normal and keep track of the rookies as a side-bet? And regardless of how we do it, who are the players in question? Love vs. Rose? (sounds cool, anyway) Or Love and Westbrook vs. Rose and Chalmers? I honestly can't remember.


  2. Les Digits played great, though - .516 FG% is very impressive. I thought I would catch you in AST and FTM, but both Wade and Bosh failed to get to the line, and Chauncey was a stud all weekend.

    CK - you lost to Odensque? What's up with that? Your theory of weekly cycles seems to be holding up. Thenopp sure bounced back...

  3. By the way, that 'portrait' of Amare is great, and the artist is putting out a book: 'Portraits in the Paint' of his NBA etchings. Thought y'all should know...

  4. Look how I lost. The little doggers are all growed up. I lost negatives AND both reb cats. Ironically, I lost threes after ranting about it in my post and destroying everyone in threes last week. Stupid DNP's (they always happen when you're out of town) cost me big time.

    BTW, I sure hope someone writes an article about post thanksgiving, turkey induced, boner popping lines: Doo Doo with 22 assists? And D. Lee is the best player in the NBA? 37 & 21? Sheesh.

  5. You mean David 'The White Dwight' Lee? That was impressive - 'Nellie-ball' at its gouty finest. You would think playing Wright, Randolph, or even Turiaf on D when getting embarrassed by two non-huge PFs and losing by 20 would be an option to consider.

  6. CJK-Not sure. Originally I thought it would be all my rookies against all yours, but now that seems kinda unfair. I have four (including Mareese "Ently Acquired" Speights and George "King of the" Hill) and you only have two. Similarly, Rose By Any Other Name vs. Manboobs seems unfair as well. Given that, whatever we do we should probably do it is as a sidebet.

    And for the record, yes, my aim is to field an all-rookie team by the end of the season.

  7. Okay, I'll set my lineup as usual. This actually might be a good year for the all rookie team: though there's no lebron or amare type superstars, there does seem to be more rookie magic than usual across the league. But you'll never pry Oden away from Owen.

  8. Hey-Actually, maybe Rose/Chalmers v Love/Westbrook would be reasonable. I'm game if you are. I'll reset my lineup in anticipation. Lemme know before gametime.

  9. K-Haven't heard from you, so I'll assume we're just doing the rookie challenge as a sidebet. We'll have at least one more chance to do it for real later this season.
