cat: Digits-Hosens
FGM: 24-11
FG%: 49%-42%
FTM: 13-14
FT%: 93%-78%
3PT: 3-0
PTS: 64-36
OREB: 3-11
DREB: 10-11
AST: 22-8
STL: 8-1
BLK: 0-1
TO: 17-7
PF: 14-7
DISQ: 1-0
TECH: 0-0
Westbrook and Chalmers are basically the same guy, so it turns out we're really just having the original draft day smack talk challenge: Rose vs. Love. And sadly I have to admit that Derrick's got game, whereas Love has, well, manboobs.
Pooey to you from me.
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