Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bonner and Kleiyde

Spoonful drop Kleiza, pick up Bonner


Kleiza's been in our news quite a bit lately - we suspect he'll be picked up many times as the year progresses.

But he'll also be dropped a lot for potentially hot commodities, as Matt Bonner has, in assuming the SAS starting C job, become. Now, starting C in SA is a notoriously poor position (since the Admiral's time, anyway) - Oberto, Nazr (the bad Nazr), FElson, MEly, Rasho, The Matrix (Kevin Willis), and even the great Cherokee Parks have graced the position during the PR2K years. But, unlike those big men, Bonner has the shooting touch, as well as the good looks, of a Brian Scalabrine, and can hit 3s. Right now he's averaging 7/4 with a 3, and his minutes have been increasing steadily in the last 2 weeks, even as the Spurs have gotten Manu and Parker back. 10/7 with 1.5 3s isn't out of the question, though neither is riding the pine..

Judgment: Kleiza surely has more long term upside, but BonBon has the opportunity, and should get both more rebounds and better Pcts, and may contribute a bit in BLK as well. He is more Foul/TO prone, but the 3-shooting big man is always exciting to have. Kleiza and J.R. Smith are alternating productive nights at this point, and, as mentioned in previous posts, isn't rebounding as much as we'd like.

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