Monday, December 8, 2008

Gorilla in the Mist

My$hkin drops the Thrilla, picks up Varejao

In a shocking move, My$hkin, lover of all gorillas vanilla, dropped the Thrilla, previously discussed here. to pick up Anderson Varejao. With Oden sliding into the starting 5, Przyzbilla's minutes have been even more inconsistent, complementing the natural inconsistency of a foul prone big man. He had a terrific 8/14/2 BLK night last Tuesday, but has gone 4/4, 7/8, and 5/5 in 3 games since. He'll continue to be a useful source of BLK, and this year, his FT% is above 50%! Fun fact - the Thrilla is DISQ-free so far this year.

Varejao had a monster 17/7 (in 23 minutes!) night on Friday, and followed up with an OK 8/5 on Saturday. His prospects haven't changed much since we discussed him here, but we love his talent, good looks, and hustle.

Judgment: Overall, we think perhaps my$hkin should have kept the Vanilla Gorilla, and dropped 'Captain Jean' Luc-Richard for Varejao, leaving DeShawn in the Misty FAP.

In other Vanilla news, we would like to take this space to note that (in a ridiculous blowout), Joe 'Vanilla Sky' Alexander had 15 points, including this sweet putback:

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